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Products true and false identification
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Your Position :Home > Products true and false identification

This symbol is to protect the products of this company and Settings, he would radically curb large-scale commercial counterfeit, was cable industry pioneered the use of electronic anti-counterfeiting mark manufacturers. From creating has continuously improve work level, improve their own management, technical experts directly involved in production, create quality products, with technology creates value. So in order to prevent the fake and inferior products for users interest is caused damage, jc reaches the company adopts modern high-tech anti-counterfeit concept will be the product of anti-fake properties as the basic attributes of product. Give each product of a single, irregular abide to code and said to the product or packaging. Consumers through call national unity free call (or Internet inquiries), according to speech

Features:Cannot undertake large-scale fake: encoding the only without regularity, curb rule forged.

Alarm system: once appear fake phenomenon can be automatic alarm, provide enterprises with everybody new ideas.

Online inquiry: product true and false please enter home page: http://www.95001111. com

Consumer behavior: easily found fake consumers will not buy has been inquires the anti-counterfeiting code of goods, or the wrong goods. Query

Data analysis - find out fake area: according to inquires the record, the calling phone number, input coding, fake code be queried frequently, such as time, the area code, can clear judgment fake news appear region and time.

Telephone tracking find fraudsters: through to ?

Product true and false contrast:






Shape dimension



Sheath material



Insulation hardness



Insulating materials

Regeneration plastic or elastomer regeneration


Conductor material

Then the whole twisted and curt copper wire

Anaerobic soft copper wire twisted and total shares

Color brightness

Color hair black

Bright-coloured color

Use period

Use a year

Use above 10 years

Section color

Cross-section hair white

Section and cortical a color

Bending radius

Is cable and the thickness of the 5 times

Is cable and the thickness of the 12 times

Epidermis package

Difficult dividing

Easy dividing

Address: no.54 Fuxing Road Lu’nan District Tangshan  TEL:86 0315 2863232  FAX:86 0315 5933210
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