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Order selection that
1, users according to need to select this company wire and cable, please click sample models mark methods in the contract or agreement indicate the selected types, specifications, if have additional requirements at the same instructions. If there is no clear problem, technical personnel will be timely service for you.
2, all electric wire and cable products standard manufacture lengths for 1000m, length measurement error is not more than + 0.5 percent. When asked to fixed-length supply, please indicate in the contract or agreement. Non fixed-length supply delivery quantity deviation is not more than + 3%, fixed-length supply only take positive deviation.
3, because length place is restricted, sample products listed for common representative type specification, also can undertake not stated model (different structure, material, performance) specifications (some, logarithmic, number of groups, nominal section etc) order.
4 and sample

Address: no.54 Fuxing Road Lu’nan District Tangshan  TEL:86 0315 2863232  FAX:86 0315 5933210
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