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Provide polyurethane drum cable power and control, has the characteristics of wear resistance, bearing, easy bending and springback. Suitable for high resistance to mechanical stress situations, especially the application while the tensile and torsional stress, a motor for driving the reel, spring roll and hoisting system. For example: the shipyard, port, warehousing, logistics of iron and steel and loading and unloading machine, boring machine, shearer.
For the rubber drum of control cable and power supply, applied to high mechanical stresses, especially while the tensile and torsional stress. Suitable for spring control drum, motor driven reel and hoisting system, for example: shearer, loading and unloading machine, drilling machine, port and other mobile devices.
For multicore flat cable flat cable reel, reel winding used in combination on the drum, and the length of cable should be based on the superposition of cable is determined by the thickness of the current carrying capacity of cables.Flat drum cable power supply and data transmission, the drum is particularly suitable for small space and extreme mechanical stress for high speed winding. Main applications: quayside container crane (STS), rail type container crane of Longmen (RMG), ship unloader, stacker and open-pit mine, underground mine.
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